Donations, Corporate Random Deposits for Share Purchase are split into shares below
When you press Buy Now buttons an application appears to invite you to link to BlueSnap Mobile Phone Payment systems on any model of Mobile Phone number from around the world. It takes a few seconds to link you to Prestashop through BlueSnap gateway unlike PayTag is not active yet waving your phone in front of the Website and it logs your Phone on. This is now your ID. Fill in details to identify your number then select Moai number +64272813963 to purchase your ₤ amount shares in your BlueSnap Online Account who then transfers this minus their fee into the Prestashop "Moai Pound Note Bank" Account, and the Tidal Energy Project Share Accounts in that order of Product Purchases directing funds into the one "Moai Crown King William IV Trust" Account. Moai shares increase as new productions of Hydrogen Jet Fuel Rocket Fuel Revenue links to the ₤ Pound Notes.
Join Moai Power House Group Co Operative and let us arrange the free gram of B.V Gold Investment when you are ready to contribute on a casual sit and watch basis minimum of €10 invested with the transaction fees and registration
Please note that any cheap brand of mobile phone number will do registers you as a member in your Mobile Phone reserve account which is your credit you top up from your Bank to pay all your bills by Text one hit so the cost is small as well for budgets 400,000,000 (B) Class Shares offer of 1,000,000,000 Shares that raises ₤10 Billion
Class B ₤500.00 share in SH2 fuel-project-gold investments
Join Moai Power House Group Co Op and let us arrange a free B-V gram of Gold and €100 minimum Invested 50% on Solid Hydrogen & 50% on Gold Bullion percentage adjusted by the S-H2 Hydrogen Shares increased values
Join Moai Power House Group Co Op and let us arrange a free B-V gram of Gold & €1,000 minimum Invested 50% on Solid Hydrogen & 50% on Gold Bullion.percentage adjusted by the S-H2 Hydrogen Shares increased values
Press Purchase button, it takes you to BlueSnap register any Mobile number as identification. This all takes about 60 seconds at the least and 2 minute at the most to set up your number then press 'purchase this share' button next steps of operation.
20,000,000 (B) Class Shares offer out of 1,000,000,000 Shares to raise ₤10 Billion
Class C ₤5000.00 share S-L-H2-project-gold investments
After registering your purchase, then deposit in your number account which is your Mobile Phone Identification anywhere in the world. Its safe to use at checkout as the best smart systems necessary minimum cost, find this cheapest quickest. 1,000,000 (C) Class Shares offer out of 1,000,000,000 Shares to raise ₤5 Billion at this point in time
Class D ₤100,000.00 share in SH2-project-gold investments
Join Moai Power House Group Co Op and let us arrange a free B-V gram of Gold & €5,000 minimum Invested 50% on Solid Hydrogen & 50% on Gold Bullion. percentage adjusted by the S-H2 Hydrogen Shares increased values
Once you have deposited funds then you can pay all your bills allowing you to buy Hydrogen shares and Gold Bullion Investments the same time. It is much much better to have regular small savings deposits going into Moai Investment Account anytime from anywhere in the world where there are no Banks much more convenient to form Co Operatives in villages with one Leader to deposit the money into this one account shared community is the model plan that Moai wishes to adopt in third world countries where we bring this power energy into.
10,000,000 (C) Class Shares offer out of 1,000,000,000 Shares to raise ₤1 Billion
Class E ₤1,000,000.00 share Moai Power House Bank Invest
Join Moai Power House Group Co Op and let us arrange a free B-V gram of Gold & €10,000 minimum Invested 50% on Solid Hydrogen & 50% on Gold Bullion. percentage adjusted by the S-H2 Hydrogen Shares increased values
Join Moai Power House Group Co Op and we arrange grams of Gold Invested 50% on Solid Hydrogen & 50% on Gold Bullion and or Pound Note percentage adjusted byS-H2 Hydrogen Share value as the Tidal Turbine Projects derive an sizeable income to boost the total share
The transactions are cheaper faster with no more cash handling, just mobile top ups and you have control over your account with air time kept topped up on your mobile at short notice can buy when you are in a position to do so after paying all your immediate expens es. We accept any amounts of payment in £Pound Note TagPay Currency which you convert your currency into automatically thank you
2,000,000 (C) Class Shares offer out of 1,000,000,000 Shares to raise ₤10 Billion
Class F ₤1.00 share in Moai Royal Bank Investment
When you push +642041967481 (TagPay not active yet) for purchasing shares our phone rings then we accept your payment at the same time with BlueSnap. For those operating only Mobile Phones with no access to an internet please text your real [Natural Name] your [middle name and surname] [mobile number] [e mail address] preferred [next of kin] [country of origin] [village or street] This is your shares records only as confidential. We need your mobile number legal name and address for your Personal Investments and 'Certificate of Ownership Shares' to your successors too to inherit your Funds.
17,000,000 (F) Class Shares offer from 1,000,000,000 Shares, raises ₤500 Trillion This Fund, for Moai Crown Sovereign Monarch State Dual British Government with the proposed new Surrogate King of England to challenge the Crown State Throne. The "Moai Crown King William IV Trust" is the Commercial Trading Bank Creditor of the Kings Bench Royal Revenue derived from King William IV British Crown Federal State Dual UK British Government in Devonport England. Great Sovereign Seal Royal Crown and Anchor Admiralty Court Martial Prize Possessions Cargo and Salavaged Property from Default Convicted Fraudsters and Criminal Felons using our MOAI CROWN STATE and KING WILLIAM IV Commercial Trading Bank Mortgage Liens illegally Fraudulently and collecting Royal Revenue that legally belonging to KING WILLIAM IV Male Bloodline Royal family Commercial Contract Agreement with our MOAI Tahitian Royal Monarchy Sovereign State Government Admiralty Partnership!
Please note: Join your Mobile Phone BlueSnap inmoments, then it links you to buy Moai Investment Gold,Pound or Hydrogen Shares on Account
Moai buys Gold off open Market and Hydrogen off Moai Tidal Energy Company which should cause the shares to rise in value and stay up highest
Moai Market it's Three Products as Gold, Pound and Hydrogen with Gold setting the benchmark to value our manufactured Hydrogen asvalue rise