We are a hard-working technological engineering firm based in Auckland, New Zealand. Established in 2009, Moai hits the ground running with our direct approach to offering shares in one of the most lucrative industries over the world. This will be done with free energy from the power of the sea, captured hydraulically in the biggest turbines ability to harness such tremendous power moving volume tons of deep water a distance of 25 meters. This is then converted to electricity, into 'hydrogen' solving large scale solutions, providing for remote power generating stations
We offer our shareholders the full package deal fuel from the tides power, delivered directly to homes, factories and industries using our skill to eliminate the need for road transport to get our products to the air land and sea markets

John Wanoa
Founder Director
I've always dreamed of building the first hydrogen powered space craft's, with the ability to fly underwater and then out into the atmosphere. It is a ready made possibility these days, as technology is advancing in hydrogen fuels electricity. Moai has developed a true passion for building energy models on computer, web-sites designs of our Moai MTHD 5MW-DC-SC Superconducting engines.
We are attracting attention towards shareholders to join us now and purchase equipment in an acquisition portfolio you will see on this web-site, elsewhere. I am an A Grade Automobile Mechanic and Tidal Turbine Design Engineer for Moai Bridge Platform Building Construction Company Executive, Development Entrepreneur and Inventor. I am an honest visionary Engineer with friend Kevin striving towards similar goals in a Hydrogen Economy to start an International Electricity Gas Power Company which I designed around Moai TM Engineering Plans 12 years in advance of the Superconducting Engine that will supersede the Tidal Energy Water Turbine Hydraulic Power with small 400mm Diameter MOAI MTHD-SC-5MW-DC Superconducting Engines that have no moving parts

Kevin Ries
Project Manager
Kevin is a metal toolmaker engineer fitter and turner who covers many trades, from heavy machinery to forestry road. He is a contractor owner-operator of a very successful business, with a fully equipped workshop of special machining for new fuel cell technology and for water powered engines. Her is using this technology in his new 27 foot speed launch, designed and built by himself, the finest piece of engineering including water powered engines gun manufacturer
Kevin is a wonderful man, father and intelligent engineer who is trusting. He is good to have as support, sharing opinions ideas that are meaningful and honest. He will manage the logistics of the Company Fuel Cell Technology and installation of this with our Imported Hydrogen Generators from Ballard and H Bank Technologies and Hydrogen Fueled Engine Generators set up now to be imported under Moai Brand name TM contract power Certificates to sell power.
Go Gas Limited is a Company based in Silverdale North Shore Auckland 'New Zealand' specializes in Fuel Cells Technology "design engineering prototypes"
We're a start up and growing company, looking forward to meeting potential share-holders and helping them to define their financial futures, develop solutions for their new economies of scale- and realize them. So what are you waiting for, let's meet" up right away!
Moai Tidal Turbine Energy & Solid Hydrogen Energy Design Consultant Import Broker Website Design by John Wanoa
Take NOTICE! - Any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government. Also using or monitoring/using me “Ngatai Jaymie” or “Jaymie Ngatai” or "Jaymie NGATAI" or “Ngatai Jaymie Patrick Stewart” or "NGATAI JAYMIE PATRICK STEWART" or 'Jaymie Anna-Marie Patrick Stewart Ngatai' or "Moai Crown" or "Moai Power House" or 'John Hoani Kahaki Wanoa' or any variations of the above mentioned names commits a CRIME! If they Violate or use any of the above names that are legally linked to the “MOAI CROWN” State International State to State 1835 King William IV Admiralty Court of Law Flag Jurisdiction. As unauthorized use of “MOAI CROWN” Legal Bank Lien Debtors Instruments are violating "Moai Crown" Private Property LAW! They are automatically consumed as Indicted by Default of a "Moai Crown" State Confederation 7 day minimum Lien Debtor Conviction Notice of Intent Affidavit in Moai Admiralty Court. Order of Moai Admiralty Commercial Bank Contracts set upon anyone who takes ownership of any Moai Information found in your possession. Is Liable as of the date of Discovery on that person on any web-site picked out and indicted on the spot! Every Statement of Claim "Moai Crown" and or I make on facebook, twitter, google, youtube, other websites is the legal ownership property of "Moai Crown" Monarch Sovereign Chief Commander Lord High Admiralty under the "British Lord High Admiralty Court of Law in London England! Is the Jurisdiction and Constitution set out by Moai State Confederation Government Administrators over Gods Earth Planet as described in Affidavits publicly displayed Internationally by Moai Administrators to over 2 Billion viewers. Describing “Moai God” Creator of Tikanga Lore Claim to his Invention Land Sea Sky on Moai websites. Or any of its associated web-sites including facebook. You DO have my permission to accept any Moai Lien Debtors Affidavits of Commercial Contract with displayed by "Moai Crown" Admiralty Federal State Creditors as your risk of being Lien Debtor’ed. Moai is holding the Legal Doctrines, Decrees, Debtors, Lien Warrant Notices and profile information and every bit of content contained herein. Including, but not limited to my photos, and or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile. Whose photos that Moai uses are strictly for the legal purposes of fact information they own is intact as of Moai trusteeship. And other unapproved Claim to any information we use to stake our claim must be respected at all times. The owners of any information “Moai Crown” use shall be included in any suit claim on the Moai Lien Warrant at the same time against any Lien Debtor. That means any unauthorized person using Moai Material makes you own Moai Bill Charge Debt Instrument against you. In that Moai information you use for your own Natural Person's benefit or that for your "Sole" Person of warm blooded living breathing talking persons usurping, impersonating, forging, faking any "Moai Statements. Material Words, Claims, Pictures, Ships, Vessels, Affidavits, Laws, Impersonations, Applications without prior written permission of Moai Crown Admirals Administrators. You shall become Default Indicted Contract Lien Debtors by your Profile names surnames pictures screen printed with the material words information accused of committing fraud corruption and crimes of any state corporate person. Being a "Sole" Person, or Natural Person, Queen, King, President, Governor General, Prime Minister, Alien, Agent, Citizen. Taxpayer, Author, Non Contract Person, "Crown" Person. You are hereby notified that you are not prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to “MOAI CROWN” or My profile name and surname and the contents herein or anywhere in the world. Have the same LIEN INDICTMENT Rights to REFUTE MOAI CLAIMS! The foregoing non prohibitions also apply to your employee, agent, student or any personnel under your direction or control the contents of this MOAI NGATAI and Moai Wanoa website profiles are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my Legal Representation as a CUSTOMARY LEGAL ADVOCATE CREDITOR ASSIGNEE! ALL LEGAL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE"! Here is the LEGAL "MOAI CROWN" DOCTRINES OF CLAIM STATEMENT! That you must REFUTE this AFFIDAVIT within 7 DAYS of its PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT, if you think it is WRONG and you are RIGHT! You have a LEGAL RIGHT to Challenge it! After that time PASSES it will be DEEMED to be CORRECT LEGAL BINDING on all persons exposed to it or otherwise Default and is GODS SOVEREIGN TRUTH LAW!! TO THOSE WHO FOLLOW MOAI, You are under the protection of the British Government and Royal Navy Admiral of the Fleet JURISDICTION which OVERRULES any other LAW that VIOLATES these RULES of LAW as set out in "MOAI AFFIDAVITS AND MANDATES OF TE TII MARAE WAITANGI" 1835 KING WILLIAM IV COMMERCIAL BANK TRADE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE CONFEDERATION FLAG OF ADMIRALTY CONSTITUTION AND LEGAL JURISDICTION