‘MOAI Energy Co operatives’ is registered as the community benefit form of co-operative and - as an Industrial and Provident Society for Community Benefit. To be based within other Co-Operatives in London UK and eventually entirely around the World Energy, concerning waterpower, tidal energy, super-conducting magnets and hydraulic power solid hydrogen stored energy.

Our objectives are to enable meaningful cuts in carbon emissions, and reduce the dependence on unsustainable sources of energy. To fund and implement renewable energy and energy efficiency measures, in collaboration with people and communities businesses We shall work co-operatively with people, communities to make carbon reduction technologies available to all regardless of financial resources. We support mutual action to respond to climate change challenges throughout the world.

The Common Seal of MOAI POWER HOUSE GROUPS Co operative Society born out of the Pacific Ring of Fire Boundary areas of MOAI Polynesian Founding Documents of CLAIM Sovereignty to Pacific Island Land Foreshore Seabed Title as an Ancestral Inheritance Dated to MOAI Founding Planet MAKEMAKE. This is now recorded in History as an UNREBUTED UNREFUTED TITLE CLAIM and the matter is at an end.

‘MOAI Energy Co operatives’ is registered as the community benefit form of co-operative and - as an Industrial and Provident Society for Community Benefit. To be based within other Co-Operatives in London UK and eventually entirely around the World Energy, concerning waterpower, tidal energy, super-conducting magnets and hydraulic power solid hydrogen stored energy.